Saturday, December 15, 2007

Worst Fears Realized

My worst fear of traveling in India is that I will have severe diarrhea while on a long train ride. And that happened. Apparently I ate something at the Tibetan restaurant in Sarnath that I should not have eaten. That is why I haven't written in a while. The food poisoning hit shortly after the last post and I barely had the energy to make the 10 foot trip from my bed to the toilet. I had to pay for an extra day at the hotel just to have constant access to a toilet. Things got a little better by the time I got on the train to Delhi. By that time, I only needed to use the toilet every 30 minutes. But I still didn't have the energy to carry my luggage, which is much heavier due to the addition of marble and silk, so I paid porters every step of the way. The good news about the train is that we were in second class, which has no air conditioning. Because of that, the windows are not sealed. Not only do they open, but they don't even close, no matter how hard you try. So there is always ventilation, which is nice. So now I'm in Delhi, and the hospital is closed for the weekend. So we are trying the Irish Cure. I think it was James Joyce who said: "What whiskey and butter won't cure, there's no cure for." Butter would be counterproductive to my current situation, but the whiskey seems to be helping. I have now gone an entire two hours without requiring the toilet. I canceled my trip to Dharamsala, and will relax in Delhi for almost a week before going to Goa. I'll have more later when I have more energy.


Vox said...

Make sure to drink a lot of non-alcoholic fluids with the Irish Cure. If you can get a gatorade or other sports drink or even Pedialyte, that's what your body needs. The alcohol will make you feel better, but it's not doing your bosy any favors. Plus The diarrea is pulling lots of salts and vitamins from your body.

I'm sure this isn't really news to you, but sometimes we all need reminders. :)


Vox said...

Wow, my spelling sucks.

Julie's Jaunts said...

ditto on the gatorade-type stuff. Or in a pinch I've used sea salt with lemonade to replenish the electrolytes that you lose with "travelers remorse". The electrolytes will make you feel alot better in the the long run!
Also, I've shared your blog site with my two friends - Amit and Anand so if you get posts from them, that's who they are. Amit has some good recommendations for restaraunts in Delhi ( when you are ready) cheers, julie

Where Am I? said...

Gatorade isn't really available here. I've been chasing the whiskey with Sprite and salt. And I am now capable of eating bananas and oranges, which provide some vitamins. Later today, I'm moving up to rice.

Where Am I? said...

By the way Pete, if you use Mozilla, they have a spell checker built in. It will even correct spelling in the comment section. It saves me, as I only have contact with british spelling now.