Friday, December 28, 2007

Day at the Beach

Sorry for the light posting, but I'm on a vacation from my vacation. Also, internet cafes are few and far between here. And they keep very unpredictable hours of operation. So, I'm slacking at the beach instead. And I'm body surfing instead of web surfing. I had forgotten how much I love body surfing. It's probably the only athletic endeavor that I'm good at. But I am a little aggressive at it, and so I'm nursing my wounds today. But, hey, if you're not bleeding at the end of a day of body surfing, you're not trying hard enough. Of course, the sun actually did even more damage to me. Unfortunately, I did not bring my Banana Boat sunscreen from home. Unlike most sunscreens, Banana Boat's claim to be waterproof is actually genuine. The brand I got India makes the same claim, but it's just bullshit. So I'm pretty red right now. But I'm not peeling, so I should be back at the beach tomorrow. And I'll bring enough sunscreen for the twenty applications I will require.

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