Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone. Some people actually celebrate Christmas here in Goa. It's one of the few places in India where there is a substantila Christian minority. So the bars have stars hanging from the ceiling in celebration. My hotel even has a nativity scene. Other than that you wouldn't really know it's Christmas. This is the busy season for Goa, as it is a popular destination for New Year's. So the hotels raise their rates. We are paying 1500 rupees ($39) per night. And there is a shower! Although the water only gets hot in the morning.

Yesterday, I got brave and ate some chicken. This was the first meat I've eaten since I got sick. Today, I had the traditional Christmas meal of chicken tikka masala and naan. Okay, maybe that's not traditional.

Well, the Thai election results are in, and the People's Power Party came out on top, but not with an outright majority. They will have to form a coalition government. They will dropp all the charges against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. He is expected to return from exile in February. The army had threatened to overthrow the PPP if they won the election, but they have apparently backed off from that threat. So I guess there won't be another coup.


Anonymous said...

...and a Merry Christmas to you Tom.

Vox said...

Merry Christmas, Tom.

The Rishels

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Merry Christmas!....and happy boxing day, too! -julie

Dave said...

Hey Tom, Merry Xmas! I'm really enjoying keeping up w/ your travels in India.

Dave R.

Where Am I? said...

Thanks everybody. And a Happy Chanukah (late, I know) to you Dave. I'd kind of forgot as Judaism isn't real big in India. Although the Jews of India did settle near here. I think it was further south, near Mangalore.