Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Trip to Agra Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow I return to tourism after a well needed rest. I'm basically healthy now, although I've lost a lot of weight. But I have an appetite again and am working on regaining weight. But I'm good enough for a trip to Agra. Agra is home to the Taj Mahal. There are two things you are supposed to do when you are in India. One is to get violently ill, and the other is to visit the Taj Mahal. I did neither on my last trip, but by tomorrow, I will have done both this time. Woohoo! Last trip, I just got sent way off course without my luggage by the worst monsoon in Indian history. With a two day stay in the Dubai airport included in the detour. I'll post on that, but I will probably get back to Delhi too late to do it tomorrow. So it will be a while before you see another post.


Anonymous said...

BTW Tom,

Just wanted to let you know that the blog format is much preferable to the emails - on this end (not that the emails weren't interesting and good). Hope it is the same for you. Certainly appreciate your dedication to it.

Take care!


Where Am I? said...

It's a lot easier on my end, too.