Wednesday, December 5, 2007

High Tea

So today's agenda is pretty simple. Tamding will finally get his Masala spice, and I will buy tea. Some of you will be recieving tea in the mail. Now, I'd like to tell you that I will be sending you the finest of Darjeeling teas. But that will not be the case. The finest teas are not packaged for general consumption. They are only available at international auctions or by special appointment at the plantations. And they are very expensive. The very best organic second flush bud tea from Darjeeling sold a few months ago for $5,000 per pound in Beijing. Yes, you read that right. That's about the price for top quality Saphron or Marijuana. Pretty impressive.

But I will be buying high quality tea nonetheless. Those of you who are really into tea will also recieve some random generic tea from Darjeeling for comparison. Those teas will be a crap shoot, but they will be pretty good. I've drank a lot of tea here, and it has always been the cheap generic kind. And they have been tasty. Much better than Lipton or Red label, at least.


Julie's Jaunts said...

Holy Shmoly! Let me be the first to say that there's a lotta "other" bud that's less expensive and that has, um, demonstrated, um, other effects!

NO, Really, just send me the cheapo Darjeeling leaf tea! I'm sure that I would love it! You saw my tea gadget! It makes great tea! Love and cheers, Julie

Where Am I? said...

Too late, I already bought some high quality tea for you. Granted, it's only in the $400 per pound range, but you'll like it. And you'll get some cheapo generic, too.