Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bad News on the Tea

But first the good news. Everyone is very likely to receive their tea. But there is a question about the timing. There will be at least some delay in customs.

The worst case is that Customs will open every tea package and empty them out to visually verify that it is all the same material. Then they will put all but a small sample of it back in the original package and reseal them. The sample will then be sent to a testing lab to verify that it is actually just tea, and not laced with anything illegal. The tea will be quarantined during that process. If the lab says that it really is just tea, then Customs will release the tea and repackage it in the original packing, but with some additional covering to hold it all together. Then they will send it to its destination. I'm told this process usually takes about 4-6 weeks. And it no doubt costs a lot, too. But they won't charge me for this service. You, the taxpayer, are paying for it.

The better scenario is that Customs will recognize the tea as being from a company at has a license to ship tea to the United States, and they will skip the lab testing. Then it should only take 2-3 weeks.

Sorry about the delay.

I'm still resting up and am not really doing anything exciting. Except for trying to ship packages. I'm still too angry to talk about that. Suffice it to say that Joe C and Bob/Larry will have to pick up a package at the FedEx office. I'll send you the details. By the way: Bob/Larry, I really need that email address now. The clock is ticking. If I don't get it soon, you will receive phone calls at ungodly hours of the night.


Anonymous said...

Tom-you can email Bob/Larry at:


I just read your 12/18/07 and
your 12/17/07 blogs.

I haven't talked to Bob yet today.

Later, Larry

Where Am I? said...

Thanks, Larry. That's a big help.