Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michigan Predictions

Okay, I think Romney will stop his slide and pull out a win. He needs to, at least.

Republicans: Romney first, McCain second, Huckabee third

Democrats: Hillary first- the race doesn't count and Edwards and Obama have boycotted.


Dave said...

I still think Obama may be leading the "who's most electable" category. Especially with the looming danger of Bloomberg entering the race and stealing independents. Obama is getting those independents right now, and that points to victory in the general election.

However, as the race goes on, he's looking more and more like a lightweight compared to Clinton and Edwards. Both (Edwards first) brought out thoughtful, progressive economic stimulus plans recently. Obama quickly followed suit with a less comprehensive and less realistic policy. When you compare his position on issues, as well as his staff to Clinton and Edwards, he's not really in the same league.

Edwards continues to push issues to the forefront that the two frontrunners glom onto and run with. He's still got my vote.

I think Clinton would be a great President. But good god, do we really want six months of the horrible negative campaign that will be conducted if she wins the nomination?

I'd like to think Edwards has a chance. To that effect, he's still got my vote come Super Tuesday.

Where Am I? said...

I think the worse the economy gets, the more likely that Bloomberg enters. He is immediatley credible on economic issues. I'm pretty sure the Republican would win in that situation no matter who the Democratic candidate was.

Yeah, Edwards isn't dead yet. He's even in the Nevada polling. If he wins there and can get second in South carolia, he's still got a chance.

Clinton is my least favorite candidate. She is doing well primarily because those who hate her are splitting their vote. But I think she's the least electable. Unfortunately, she's still viewed is inevitable by a large chunk of voters.

I've noticed a lot of Obama supporters in the blogosphere are beginning to question why they support Obama. That's a bad sign for him.