Friday, January 4, 2008

Same Mistake Again

Well, I got a little sick again. And from the exact same meal. Tibetan Chow Mein seems to be my nemesis. It's the raw lettuce they mix in. It was hard to refuse when Tamding's parents were serving it. I drank strong beer with it, picled out all the lettuce, and hardly ate any of it. I still got mildly sick and missed the first part of the Dalai Lama's teaching today. And I was buzzed for the second half because I drank rum to try to kill off the food poisoning. I guess I should note that Tamding's mother did not cook the meal.

I had an ancient radio to try to get the English broadcast of his Holisness's teaching today. At first I couldn't get it to come in. So we moved around and things didn't really improve. Until I touched the antenna to a string of barbed wire that was surrounding the area. That got me great reception, which is pretty weird because it was FM, which is a high enough frequency that anything over a meter usually doesn't help. But the barbed wire almost completely surrounded the broadcast area, so maybe it was able to link me to a hotspot. Regardless, I got to hear the teaching, finally. I tried to find out what the teaching was, but nobody could give me an English translation. But it was supposedly written by the second Dalai Lama.

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