Wednesday, January 16, 2008


In Michigan, Hillary got 55% to 36% uncommitted. Wow. And this is in a race where Edwards and Obama weren't on the ballot and Democrats could vote in the Republican primary instead. I should note that, for the first time, Republican turnout outnumbered the democrats. And by amost a 2-to-1 margin. That implies a lot of crossover voting. The ABC vote (Anyone But Clinton) is for real. But the problem is that nobody else really has a clear second place yet. Yes, Obama polls better now, but he's falling. Edwards could win Nevada and place well in South Carolina. So, both could go on to Super Tuesday because they will both have a shot. After that though, one has to drop out or it will be Hillary winning the nomination. But which one drops? I used to think that was obvious, but support for Obama seems to be slipping without Hillary really gaining. Edwards may still have a chance. In the end though, unless Obama and Edwards come to some agreement, I think Hillary has the upper hand. That's especially the case in a brokered convention. Someone's got to beat her before the convention or she's a shoo-in.

On the Republican side, who knows? McCain would be the strongest in the general election, but that may not be enough for him. Romney can win in a state with lots of Mormons and where his dad was governor. But does he have anything else? Huckabee is a complete lunatic, but that works in the South. But the South ain't enough for the nomination. Some in the right wing blogoshere still think Thompson will win, but the guy hasn't broken into double digits yet. Rudi thinks he's okay in the standings, but he's batshit crazy. I'm still holding out for Newt Gingritch in that race.

(corrected for typos)

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