Thursday, January 10, 2008

Leaving India

Today is my last day in India. Tonight, I'm off to the Land of Smiles. I haven't done much in Bangalore because I have some kind of flu. I'm getting better and shouldbe healthy by the time I reach Bangkok. I did some shoping yesterday and today. I got some music CDs, awhole lot of rum, and a new carry-on. The carry-on was really expensive ($50). I'm used to buying them in Bangkok, where they never cost more than $15. So tonight, I'll be bringing a carry-on full of rum and weapons. That shouldn't be a problem in Bangkok, but the American Customs people will surely give me trouble with that.

India's has certainly been interesting. It's kind of the Everest of travel, with Africa being K-2. It's a lot more difficult to travel in India than in Southeast Asia. But even with the difficulties, India is worth it. But one thing is certain: you need alot of patience tod eal with India.


Vox said...

Hi Tom!

In case you're interested in saving some space in your bag, I looked up Old Monk Rum on the net and it looks like you can get it in the states now. I'm sure the purchase price is much more expensive here ($16.99 for a 750 ml), but the convenience might be worth it.


Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip East!

Where Am I? said...

Well, it's good to know that you can get Old Monk in the US now. It's a little late. I'm probably spend about that price to bring it in. Buying it was cheap, but the transport has been more costly.