Thursday, January 31, 2008


I think we're moving into the phase where this blog becomes more of a forum for political discussion. But I will add some more pictures from the trip (see below). Anyway, I'll offer my thoughts on the Clinton- Obama Death Match. Okay, it wasn't really a death match. In fact, it was remarkably cordial. It's hard to say whom that really helped. Clinton is the better debater whether it's polite or not. But Obama has become a much better debater as the campaign has gone on. By the end of the campaign, I suspect he'll be as nimble, ruthless and polished as Hillary. I thought he held his own pretty well.

In fact, I think he won it by a hair. Hillary certainly showed that she has the better command of the facts and a more sophisticated policy stance. But she still gets tripped up the her Iraq authorization vote. What she needs to say is this: "That vote was a mistake, but we need to move on to what to do about it now." But, like her husband, she will need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to actually face that truth. And then she still won't acknowledge or admit it. Obama is wise to push the "judgement" issue. He was right, after all. It's really that issue that makes me think that Obama won. He responded to every question well (although there were a few awkward moments), but Hillary really doesn't have an answer to one question that's been asked of her for years. To put it in baseball terms, Obama won a 1-0 game on an unearned run. But in the end, I think either of them will make a solid candidate.

By the way, have any of you noticed that "Obama" isn't in Firefox's spell check feature? What's up with that? They send me an update nearly every day. Can't one of those contain an update to the spelling dictionary that adds Obama's name? Clinton is already in. And so is McCain. Even Romney is in. So why not Obama? He's, like, running for president, you know. People might actually talk about him.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I disagree, in that I think Clinton won the night. She simply speaks better, and always looks better prepared to answer questions. Her answers seem more prepared, rather than extemporaneous.

That being said Tom, you took the words right out of my mouth. Obama is hammering her on her Iraq vote which she STILL refuses to say was a mistake. This is extraordinarily good strategy. There is no way to justify this six years out. One of the many reasons I had a great deal of respect for Edwards is that he admitted his mistake in authorizing the war.

The President is an excellent and very convenient target, but blaming him for actions that you had the power to control is like a child blaming the dog for knocking something over in the house.

It leads me to the following conclusion: Clinton is more prone to do what is politically expedient at any given moment, rather than what is morally or logically correct.

I've also been very disturbed by the behavior of the Clinton campaign in SC. When it became evident that she was going to lose in SC, she abandoned the state and left Bill behind. Bill attacked Obama for no other purpose than to create headlines and to try and differentiate his wife from the field.

This type of politics, the politics of division, and character assassination, will be SOP in a race where Clinton is the nominee. I'd be happy to give her my vote if she is the victor in the primaries.

But next Tuesday, Obama has my vote. Perhaps I'm wrong, or I'm just personifying, but I get more of a sense from him that he says what he means and will follow through on his promises and his beliefs, regardless of the political consequences. I liked that he mentioned many times bringing greater transparency to the political process by placing these debates on C-Span (Good luck with that by the way. I think he'll be in for a rude awakening). But it's the right attitude. The political process should be transparent.

It's time for a new direction in this country, and more importantly than anything, IMHO, Obama has a better chance of winning in a general election than Clinton.

Obama's got my vote.

On another note, I wanted to ring Wolf Blitzer's neck last night as he kept trying to stir up conflict in what was a very cordial affair. What a dick. Also the question about sharing the ticket was not only ill-timed and completely inappropriate, but it's also just ridiculous. There is NO WAY these two will share the ticket. Carl Bernstein said as much about Hillary last night, and he's in a position to know, after spending a great deal of time with her writing his book.