Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Center of the Universe

I had a light day in the Bay Area. But I needed it. The jouney from Bangkok to San Francisco takes about 17 hours. But you arrive 30 minutes later on the same day (International Date Line). I've heard people complain about jet lag, but trust me, that's a really weird shift. And I've been through some radical time shifts many times before. There was a little glitch in being picked up (my fault), but otherwise the trip went smoothly. I am one more bottle short on the rum, but that's because I gave one to my sister. And the weapons were no problem. But they are minor weapons. My chef's knife is deadlier.

So my first night, Julie and I went out for a few beers and then talked. She had to go to bed early because she works now (first time in ten years). I pretty much slept the entire next day. Except for making my accurate Michigan predictions, of course. Today, we went out to my favorite Cuban restaurant in Palo Alto. I can't ever remember the name, but it's really good. Then we drank some beers, scotch, and Indian rum. And then we switched to me making bloody mary's by the glass. Different taste every time. And that's where I am now. I pitty Julie having to going to work, but I am in full knowledge of the fact that I will be in the same situation tomorrow. After a short flight, of course.

But it was great being in the Center of the Universe again. It always amazes me when I travel here about the importance of this area. The Bay Area of California is Ground Zero for technoligical development. It's the only place where a large portion of the population wakes up with the thought: "How am I going to change the world today?". There are many places, including Boulder, where there is a tremendous amout of development. But the Bay Area is where the real ideas start and where the really big ideas come into being. Nowhere else really compares. They have the critical mass of intellect, and it's wonderful to see.

So that's about it for the real time trip blogging, but there is more to come. I will post some low resolution pictures. If you want 8 Mpixel copies, email me about that. I will also continue my election predictions. I'm doing pretty well so far, but Super Teusday looms as a monstrosity of unpredictability. That will be my Vietnam. For SC/NV, I'll predict them individually, but I doubt I want to try to predict Super Teusday on an individual basis. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

For the record, it was a little rough getting up the next day :)
We had a fun evening, though! Bloody Mary's rule....especially when we're making them on the fly with whatever ingredients we've got! Luckily I've got a big ole stash of Worcestershire sauce.

Where Am I? said...

"a little rough"? Okay. The Bloody Marys on the Fly were good, though.