Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tea from Heaven

And a sweater, too! On December 8, 2007, I sent myself a package from Siliguri, India. And I finally got it! In celebration, I've figured out how to embed pictures. It's really easy, but I just hadn't tried before. Normally, shipping things from India takes about 10-14 days. But because tea is an agricultural product, it spends a while in US Customs. Months, in fact. So, what do they do in Customs? Apparently, nothing. The package hadn't been opened or tampered with in any way. I'm guessing it went through X-ray and was sniffed by dogs, but that happens on arrival to all packages. So why the delay? Anyway, I'm glad to have the tea (that's about $150 worth, don't be deceived by the size of the packages) and the sweater ($8).

Update: My sister got tea, too. And on the same day. There could be more coming.


Anonymous said...

Nice photo - I'd like to learn how to embed pictures, too. I was tickled pink to receive the tea - I had written it off so long ago.
Happy Jim's birthday.

Where Am I? said...

Whoah, I'd forgotten Jim's birthday. I guess that's appropriate. I always forgot it when he was alive. The funny thing is that on Jim's birthday, I watched a documentary on all the new birds they discovered in New Guinea. Jim would have loved that one. Probably even more than having his body eaten by vulchers. Too bad we didn't do that for him.