Friday, May 30, 2008

Puerto Rico

On Sunday Puerto Rico votes. Given that it's a territory, you might think it's not an important primary. But this is the Democratic Party, so reason and sensibility must be dispensed with. It turns out that, under DNC rules, Puerto Rico sends more delegates to the Democratic Convention than twenty seven states. Yes, you read that right, TWENTY SEVEN STATES. Don't believe me? Here's the Evil Orange Menace, Markos, with a list. Amazingly, Colorado has an above-median 71 delegates and comfortably beats out Puerto Rico's 63 (you can see that here). So what kind of crazy math would make Colorado so valuable? Don't ask, you don't want to know. Anyway, the Puerto Rico primary is the largest remaining primary (but not as large as the Rules Committee meeting). Clinton will win it by 20 points and net 21 delegates. And it won't be enough.

I'm starting to wonder whether the best option for both candidates is a bullet in the head of the opponent. I will make it clear that I am not advocating either such possibility, but it doesn't seem like anything else will stop either candidate. Hillary would be well within her rights to take it to the convention, but she shouldn't do it. And Obama is winning, so why would he give up?

But we can joke, can't we? How about a cage match? Hillary would have have significant age, strength, and physical stature disadvantages, so she should get a whip. Wouldn't that put America's history in an interesting perspective? White woman whipping a black man- that'll raise some eyebrows. But it'd be fun, because Obama would find a way to win (he's had to before). But I'm not really sure I want to see Hillary in spiked leather and chains, however. It was painful enough just to write that last line- I can't help but visualize what I write. And it was scary. Much scarier than them fighting to the death. Please, Hillary, make it stop.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hill Rod wouldn't stand a chance in a cage match. Can you smell what Barak is cooking?

Pelosi/Reed will broker an end to the madness in the next few weeks, with Hill Rod gracefully leaving the stage and getting the opportunity to be a keynote speaker at the convention. Then back to the Senate with you!

Seriously: doesn't Barak have to win the election, just so he can tell Iran, "Stand down your nuclear proliferation efforts or there will be severe consequences. Can you smell what Barak is cooking?


I advise Congress to pass the budget to help working class Americans. Can you smell what Barak is cooking?

The WWE night was when this whole election season jumped the shark. Good god already. Even the Libertarians nominated Bob freakin' Barr! With the paranoid nutjob Gravel a close second. Seriously, Presidential politics has become a joke.