Saturday, May 31, 2008

RBC Meeting

Okay so Clinton netted 29 (19 from Florida, 10 from Michigan) pledged delegates, but they only get 1/2 a vote. But the NY Times reports that she nets a total of 24. I guess they're counting the superdelegates that have committed from the two states as well. Maybe they are also counting Edwards' delegates. Regardless, everyone seems to agree that Obama needs 64-66 more delegates to clinch the nomination now. I was a bit surprised by the 69-59 split in Michigan. I had heard about the plan, but both camps rejected it, so I didn't think it was likely. But I guess the fact that neither camp was happy with it makes it a good compromise. I guess I should have seen that.

Back to the race, Obama will probably win about 42 delegates in the last three primaries. So he needs another 25 or so superdelegates and he's over the top. I'm guessing he'll have those lined up by Tuesday night. I think he'll try to subtly say that he's really the nominee and hope that Hillary will concede without further prodding. My prediction: Hillary concedes on Wednesday afternoon. That may seem really optimistic, but consider the votes today. The Florida vote was unanimous, with all of Hillary's supporters voting for the plan. The Michigan vote was 19-8, which is a pretty solid margin. Hillary's only chance is to challenge the delegates at the Credentials Committee in July. But with margins this large, it's unlikely she'll get a different result. Obama played this right, by the way. Chuck Todd is reporting that the Obama camp had the votes for the 50-50 plan, but went with the 69-59 plan to have it pass by a larger margin. Clinton supporter Don Fowler said it best: "Guys, it's over." By Wednesday, it really will be.

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