Monday, May 19, 2008

Oregon, Kentucky, Ollie, and Appeasement

Not that it really matters anymore, but there are more primaries tomorrow. So there are more predictions. Obama will win Oregon by 12 points. Clinton will win Kentucky by 30 points. Clinton will net 9 delegates for the night (67-58). It's possible Obama could win the nomination without a single additional super delegate after tomorrow. But probably not. Hillary looks strong in Puerto Rico. But, barring a radical rule change, she's done for. And it looks like even the rule changes she wants wouldn't be enough for her. Her only hope is to get out of debt before she drops out.

I didn't want to write about Bush's appeasement comments in Israel. I basically came up with the same argument as Chris Mathews: Chamberlain wasn't wrong to talk to Hitler. He was wrong to give up the Sudetenland. That was the appeasement. Simply talking does not ensure bad results. I wasn't even going to say this, because it's so obvious. But then I saw Ollie North saying this:

"As you know, I’m the history guy at Fox News Channel, right? I’ve done this WWII series – 52 of our episodes about WWII. Had it not been for Chamberlain going to sit down with Adolf Hitler and try to cut a deal in Munich, WWII might never have happened, but it emboldened the dictator. That’s what the President said yesterday in Jerusalem. And a little reminder today, a shot across the bow here at the NRA, when John McCain got up and said, ‘You cannot have these kinds of unconditional, no preconditions discussions, with despots and dictators’ - dead on the mark."

Umm, Ollie, you not only talked to Iran, but you gave them weapons! That's not just diplomacy, and it's not just appeasement, it's collaboration. I was going to write of pots and kettles, but this is different. This is the pot calling the tea cup black. Of course, Bush's grandfather helped arm and finance Hitler, so I guess Bush shouldn't be talking about appeasement, either.

As for Ollie being the "history guy at Fox," well, that just about explains everything at Fox News, doesn't it?

As for McCain, I guess he wouldn't have talked to Krushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He'd either have left the missiles in Cuba or started a nuclear holocaust. My guess is that McCain would have followed Barry Goldwater's advice and launched an attack. And most of us wouldn't have ever been born because our parents would have been killed. And he thinks Obama is "reckless"? Once again, the pot calling the tea cup black. When you refuse to negotiate, you leave only two options: ignore the problem or go to war. If you ignore the problem, it only grows and leads you to the same two choices. Eventually, war will become the only option. But McCain's only solution to any problem is war. So it's not surprising he'd advocate a policy that can only lead us there.

Update: it seems those dirty hippie appeasers in Ehud Olmert's government are negotiating with Syria. There have been rumors to this effect for months, but now Syria and Israel are acknowledging the negotiations. The consensus seems to be that real progress is being made or they wouldn't be talking about it. Let's all hope that's true. Some analysts are even hinting that Israel might give up the Golan Heights. I never would have dreamed that possible, although demographic issues have forced considerable reassessment within Israel. Turkey deserves a lot of credit for setting up the negotiations. And Syria and Israel deserve even more credit for following through.

Update II: Speaking of Hitler, Pastor John Hagee thinks Hitler was just fulfilling God's plan for the Jews. Hagee has said quite a lot of really crazy things, but that's about as crazy as it gets. I hope so, at least. But who knows what further media scrutiny will bring?


Dave said...

Hey McCain now rejected Hagee's endorsement! What, being pro-Hitler doesn't win votes in this country? Since when?

I don't understand the radical evangelicals. Hitler's actions were "god's will", but Israel must exist? The Jews will pave the way on the front lines of Armageddon but not too many of them?

Hey, I'm all for Hagee. And Hagee's all for me. Know why? I'm not a filthy arab.

DISCLAIMER: the above is satirical, not some bizarre racist rant.

Dave said...

I should clarify in that Hagee isn't exactly "pro Hitler", but he does state that Hitler's actions were defensible because they hastened the return of the Jews to Israel.

Hey, it's good to be the cannon fodder in Hagee's apocalyptic vision.

Where Am I? said...

It turns out that McCain is also rejecting Rod Parsley's endorsement as well. With enough house cleaning, McCain might be able to become the "maverick" that he's always claimed to be.

Where Am I? said...

I know the "filthy Arab" comment is satirical, but where did that phrase come from? You hear it a lot, but Arabs are unusually clean people. Much cleaner than Europeans, but that's not really saying much, is it? The only people I've met with better bathing habits are the Turks, Thai, and Japanese. The Turks take the cake on that one. The average Turkish man gets two haircuts per week and bathes at least twice per day. And he wears enough cologne to kill a horse at ten feet. Grooming is a religion in Turkey. And the Arabs really aren't that far behind.

Dave said...

I think the "filthy" comment comes more from the perceived state of mind than any assessment of personal hygiene. Besides, those who would say such a thing haven't ever come within 10 feet of an honest to goodness Arab.

Unknown said...

Tom, please stop mentioning people like Hagee in your blog. He'll just get a higher rating in search engines as a result. Maybe call him the evangelist "Mr. H"

He only comes out with these wild statements to boost his own exposure. Don't humor him. Clearly, an ass.

I will now combat your promotion. Hagee ass hagee ass hagee ass

Now, Hagee is 1/1000 more of an ass in the public eye than he was yesterday. Yay! Job done.


Dave said...

Let's not get SEO crazy. I'm all for discussing "he who must not be named" in detail because clearly, he is an ass and his close associations with Republicans including McCain bear scrutiny during election season.