Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Campaign Deathmarch

Obama wins North Carolina by six points. Clinton wins Indiana by five. Obama nets 5 delegates for the night. Oh, and the all-important Guam Caucus was a tie. And the campaign marches on....

Early Update: It seems I've been fooled by the media again. Obama is doing much better than expected in North Carolina and Hillary could still lose Indiana. No doubt, she'll spin it like a win for her (NC doesn't count, Indiana was a major comeback, Obama can't win rednecks, etc.), but she is now so CTD that she's in another world now. Haven't checked the MSM yet, but I'm sure even they are starting to admit that it's time to stick a fork in her.

Late Night Update: The media is going against Hillary. She's canceled appearances. She's in debt. Hmmm. I wonder what she'll have to say tomorrow? I know this: I'll either love it or hate it. Now, I know that I shouldn't prejudge that speech, but the fact is that it has to be a a concession. I know that this is all based on the media spin, but the media spin was all Hillary had left. The math has long been against her. She's got nothing but the "vast right wing conspiracy" to back her now. Please, Hillary, go away.


Dave said...

Hill-Rod spoke to late for me on the East Coast, and if it was too late for me, I expect most of the voting public was already in bed in EST, making this night a clear victory for B-Rock.

Hill-Rod will press on, of course, but she won't raise any more money, and over then next week or so, we should start hearing that Superdelegates are beginning to move to B-Rock's banner.

What's really fascinating about Obama's campaign recently is how well they handled controversies, starting with the Rev. Wright scandal. Wright is a scumbag, of no character whatsoever. He took advantage of his relationship with Obama to claim the spotlight on the national stage for his own self-aggrandizing goals. He's an egomanic and an unabashed self-promoter. Anything good/bad/indifferent that comes out of his pie-hole should be met with not only the greatest skepticism as to his actual intentions, but rather be ignored completely.

The Obama campaign loudly and definitively distanced themselves from this idiot and pressed their campaign forward. Also, in another impressive move, Obama was the only one of the three candidates to call the gas tax relief what it really is: a political maneuver rather than anything resembling a workable solution.

IMHO, Obama has clearly shown over the last few weeks that he would make a better President than Hill-Rod or the McCainiac. I'm not certain he's a stronger candidate than Hill-Rod, but I believe he'd make a better President. I'd like to expound on that topic more, but hey, work and all.

Can you smell what Barak is cooking?

Where Am I? said...

I think what impresses me about Obama is his restraint. He did not respond to the recent problems by going negative. And think about it, the Clintons' tax returns and Bill's questionable business dealings provide plenty of fodder for negative campaigning. Obama could have gone there, but he didn't. Granted, he didn't have to, but so many politicians have failed that test. Nixon didn't need the Watergate break-in to win his election, but he did it anyway. And it destroyed him.

The General Election may be different, though. And Obama may have to go negative. One wonders if can. But the good news is that he has a reputation for above- the- belt campaigning, so he'll probably be able to get away with a few cheap shots before the press catches on. Of course, the press will be very generous to McCain. But McCain has done so much pandering recently that he longer has any coherent policies anymore. I'm not sure he even knows where he stands on a lot of issues. That, combined with senility and a complete lack of concern for the facts, will make him a weak candidate. The press may not call him on his flip-flops and blunders, but YouTube will. The latest: McCain wants a missile defense system in Czechoslovakia. He doesn't say how he'll get the Czech Republic and Slovakia to reunite. Yes, it's minor, but it raises questions about whether he's recognized that the Cold War is over. Combined with his desire to kick Russia out of the G-8, one really wonders what he's thinking. Or if he's thinking at all.

Where Am I? said...

I guess I should add that I'm less critical of Rev Wright than you. Although I certainly agree that he should be ignored. I look at at Rev Wright as a man who's message has been made largely irrelevant by the passage of time. His sermons make some sense in the context of the Sixties. But that was four decades ago. The rest of the country has moved on, but Rev Wright has not. This is not uncommon. It is often said that "change arrives in a hearse." And, sadly, Rev Wright won't change until his hearse arrives.

Dave said...

I should clarify that agreeing or disagreeing w/ Rev. Wright is not my point. What I find distasteful is that he stood on the back of one his most prominent parishioners to gain his 15 minutes. You know that there had to be conversations where the Obama campaign asked him to please, stay silent during the campaign. But he also must have had people, as well as media, at his door and on his phone all the time and he figured now was his time to speak, and consequences be damned.

I guarantee you: Rev. Wright will have a book deal soon. He's getting paid for speaking engagements now. All of this rhetoric was not put out as a grand plan to address social issues. Rev. Wright put this forth for a purely self-aggrandizing agenda, where he hoped to capitalize on fleeting media buzz.

Where Am I? said...

I agree with you on the self aggrandizing. The Rev Wright is basically Al Sharpton without the funny lines. I'm willing to listen to Brother Al because he's often pretty funny. But I will ignore Rev Wright, just as I ignore a large array of wacko preachers. Which makes me wonder, why don't we have any sensible preachers that are famous? India has Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Why don't we have someone like that? And I'm not saying they don't exist. The Sojourners website makes it clear that they do. But why don't the sensible ones get famous here? MLK was the last one, but he was killed before I was born.