Friday, June 6, 2008

Things to Think About

Science catches up to the Fiction: Levitation, and I'm not kidding. I would caution that many medical studies should be done before we build our levitating cars. But Luke's desert speeder seems in grasp. Reversing the Casimir force is something I wouldn't have guessed. Not so much that it couldn't be done, but that it could be done over such distances.

Secret Meetings: Obama took Lieberman into a corner in the Senate and gave him a stern talking to. It wasn't quite the "Johnson treatment", but the accounts imply that Obama might have had some LBJ in him. Good for him. And apparently Harry Reid had a little 'talk' too. Old Joe might be getting the boot if the Dems have the votes. Harry Reid defends Joe, of course, but that could change. Oh, and Obama and Hillary had a meeting. Unfortunately, we have no details. Oh to be a fly on the wall...

Bollywood in Bangkok: The International Indian Film Academy is having it's awards in Bangkok. Most people in the world cannot really appreciate how strange that is. In general, the Indian and Thai cultures are very different. If you think either of those cultures is weird, you should understand that they seem far weirder to each other . Indians do go to Bangkok in fairly large numbers, but they tend to keep to themselves when there. Most Indians can't eat at any Thai restaurant for dietary reasons. And the Thai like them even less than anyone else who's visiting. And, trust me, the Thai don't really like anyone who's not Thai. And they certainly don't watch Bollywood movies. Trying to sell Bollywood in Bangkok is like trying to sell skin whitener in Iceland. The Thai have their own really weird movies, thank you.

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