Thursday, November 29, 2007

Omissions and Corrections, Part 1

During this trip, I will often forget to mention some things because I'm in a hurry. But there will be some times when I have the time to go back and add some things or correct some things. Now is such a time. So here goes:

Bangkok: I talked about going shopping, but never mentioned the results. I tried to go to MBK, but it opened late because of a holiday celebrating the King's reign. While I was waiting for it to open, I started talking to one of the tourist police. He told me that I'd get a better deal on a camera at Pantip Plaza. He didn't tell me where it was because he thought I wouldn't know where Phetchaburi Road was (silly him). Of course, Pantip opened even later, so I had plenty of time to buy some new shoes for 320 baht ($10). And I found two stores that sold black and white film, so now I have ten rolls. It's start. Pantip Plaza was a zoo. Imagine a mall about the size of two Costcos, but it only sells electronics (but no cell phones- they're at MBK). I went to ten stores before determining that Nikon does not sell a digital camera compatible with my old Nikkor lenses. I ended up buying an updated version of my old Canon digital camera, and Tamding got another present- the old digital camera.

Bangalore: I had forgot to mention that I got a haircut in Bangalore so I'd look more professional for the Chennai Consulate. It was probably one of the most unpleasant haircuts ever. The salon had no air conditioning, so it was about 100 degrees. And then they tightened the usual plastic sheet around my neck to help keep the heat in. Imagine combining a haicut with a sauna. Now imagine you have the flu as well. Pleasant, eh? But I look better now.

Chennai: During my two hours between visits to the consulate, we went to a mall and got some fruit drinks (remember, I have the flu). I had a pineapple Lassi and a handmade lime soda. I'm really working the vitamin C angle. I also bought a blanket for our overnight train rides. It's really nice- handmade from wool and silk. Our next train ride will take two days, so I'm glad I bought it. I tried it out last night and it was awesome.


Joe C said...

What are the "tourist police"?

Vox said...

What kind of Cannon did you get?

Lassis were one of the things I could consume while I had Delhi-belly. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for them.
