Monday, March 24, 2008

Building Stonehenge By Yourself?

I'm not quite sure how to embed a YouTube. But Here's a link:

Moving Big Stones

I've always been fascinated by ancient technology. In my travels, I've seen stunning structures that were built without cranes, pulleys, or engines. I've always noticed how engineers of those days found creative solutions in construction technology. But this guy really takes the cake. He raises a very large slab of concrete by himself with very minimal effort. His secret: gravity. I think the coolest part is how he raised the slab to it's horizontal position. Brilliant and simple.


Dave said...

Speaking of Stonehendge, I'm in London right now! Been reading your posts, sorry for not commenting recently.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I love the simple but effective technologies!

Vox said...

I've seen this before, and to me it isn't all that surprising. As new technologies are learned, we tend to disregard those of the past, if they were more labor-intensive.

No matter the techniques used to build stonehenge, it's obvious that the people dedicated to its construction and the society who sponsored it was willing and able to make the sacrifices necessary. Given the relatively primitive agrarian society in the region at the time, it's quite impressive. We live a very coddled life, indeed.